Acceptable Use Policy

Darrendi’s Acceptable Use Policy

Revision Date: 05/January/2024

1. Introduction

Darrendi, a division of InnoVentures, values the vast landscape of the Internet and the freedom it offers. The Internet’s open nature, where no single entity has control, greatly enhances its value. However, this freedom comes with a significant responsibility on the part of its users. The following Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) outlines the guidelines and behaviors expected from our subscribers to ensure responsible and lawful use of Darrendi’s services.

2. Information Acquisition and Dissemination

Subscribers must exercise prudent judgment regarding the accuracy and reliability of information obtained from the Internet. Darrendi does not monitor, verify, warrant, or vouch for the information acquired. Subscribers are warned that some Internet material may be offensive or explicit and agree to take necessary precautions. Darrendi is not liable for any injury arising from its subscribers’ access to the Internet.

Similarly, Darrendi does not review, edit, censor, or take responsibility for information created by subscribers. Subscribers are responsible for their content and may be held liable for copyright infringement, defamation, and other violations of law.

3. Prohibited Activities

Subscribers, their customers, affiliates, or subsidiaries are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

Spamming: Sending unsolicited bulk or commercial messages is not permitted. Violations will result in investigation, shutdown of the offending account, and a fine.

Adult-Oriented Content: Notification and consent are required before hosting any adult content. Non-compliance may lead to suspension or termination of services.

Obscene Speech or Materials: It is forbidden to use Darrendi’s network to distribute child pornography or obscene material. Mandatory reporting to law enforcement will be carried out if such materials are detected.

Defamatory or Abusive Language: Transmitting or posting harmful or threatening language is prohibited.

Forging Headers: Misrepresentation of message headers to disguise the origin is not allowed.

Illegal Access: Unauthorized access to other networks or systems, hacking, and related activities are strictly forbidden.

Destructive Activities: Distributing malware or engaging in activities that disrupt or damage network use or equipment is banned.

Facilitation of AUP Violations: Offering tools designed to assist in prohibited activities is not permitted.

Export Control Violations: Export Control Violations: Complying with applicable Indian and international export control laws is required. The unauthorized export of encryption software or other sensitive technology is prohibited and subject to sanction and legal penalty.

Usenet Groups: Darrendi reserves the right to refuse postings from groups that violate this AUP.

Other Illegal Activities: Engaging in any illegal activities, including fraudulent schemes, is prohibited.

Other Activities: Conduct that Darrendi deems harmful to its operations, reputation, or customer relations may be subject to action.

Phishing and Fraudulent Activities: Engaging in any form of phishing or other fraudulent activities, including but not limited to the creation, distribution, or facilitation of emails, websites or any other mechanisms designed to deceive individuals into divulging sensitive personal or financial information, is strictly prohibited. Subscribers are responsible for ensuring that their services are not used for such activities. Violations will result in immediate suspension or termination of services and may be reported to law enforcement authorities.

The following activities are strictly forbidden on our network. Participation in any of these will lead to immediate suspension of your account and/or services without prior notice:

Hosting or linking to copyrighted content without authorization.

Operating open proxies.

Running stressers/booter websites.

Utilizing mail/SMS bombers.

Conducting mass mailing.

Undertaking resource-intensive activities that heavily utilize CPU, I/O, or Network resources.

Engaging in IP spoofing.

Performing network or port scanning.

Distributing credentials or private personal information.

Initiating Denial of Service or Distributed Denial of Service (D)DoS attacks.

Hosting TOR exit nodes.

Maintaining open DNS resolvers.

Using Hola VPN service.

Installing or running Kloxo control panel.

Mining virtual currencies (*coin mining).

Participating in World Community Grid, Folding at Home, or similar distributed computing software.

Deploying CrystalMines gaming software.

Using HitLeap or any software for generating artificial traffic.

Operating High Yield Investment Program (HYIP) websites.

Implementing iBusinessPromoter or similar SEO software.

Conducting vulnerability scanning.

Performing brute force attacks.

Running social media crawlers.

Engaging in cracking activities.

Controlling botnets.

Distributing illegal pornography.

Utilizing Hivemail service.

Implementing scripts for Telnet or SSH access.

Accessing Usenet services.

Executing any form of phishing, malware distribution, or sharing malicious content.

Participating in illegal activities including ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, phishing, scam websites, and software piracy.

Streaming video content without proper authorization.

Operating Content Delivery Networks (CDN).

Using LIULIANGKUANG traffic software or services.

Running Multics, CCcam, or any card sharing software.

Hosting Chinese private game servers and related websites.

Engaging in any form of file hosting, storage, cyberlocker, leeching, or similar activities.

DDoS Mitigation and Response

Clients experiencing recurrent and disruptive DDoS attacks may face actions against their service and/or account to preserve the integrity of our network.

In cases where DDoS attacks are persistent and adversely affect other customers or our network performance, the affected client will be informed through a support ticket.

Customers are expected to take appropriate measures to mitigate and prevent further attacks.

If a customer’s service continually attracts DDoS attacks that impact our infrastructure, we may request that they find alternative solutions or migrate to a different provider to ensure the stability of our services for other users.

Fair Usage Policy

Claims of ’unlimited’ or ’unmetered’ resources are subject to practical software and hardware limitations, along with our team’s discretionary fair use policy.

Our hosting services are tailored exclusively for content related to a hosted website. The use of our services for backup storage, file lockers, or personal media (such as photos, videos, and music) is prohibited.

If a customer’s consumption of resources is deemed excessive and unrealistic for the given platform, they will be contacted via a support ticket to address and reduce their usage.

Should any user’s resource usage pose a risk to the platform’s overall integrity, their service(s) may be temporarily suspended to maintain operational stability and to protect the experience of other users on the platform.

4. Enforcement and Monitoring

Darrendi does not routinely monitor communications for AUP compliance but will act upon becoming aware of any violations. Measures may include content removal, service denial, or other actions. Darrendi may take action against subscribers or their customers for violations, even if it affects other customers of the subscriber.

Darrendi reserves the right to monitor its service to ensure satisfactory operation and may disclose information to comply with legal requirements or to protect from harm.

5. Privacy

Darrendi values privacy and will not monitor private electronic communications unless required by law. Nonetheless, service monitoring for quality control and legal disclosures under court orders or to protect the network’s integrity may occur.

6. Indemnification

By signing the Service Agreement, subscribers agree to indemnify Darrendi against any losses, claims, damages, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising from violations of this AUP, the Service Agreement, or the law.

7. Reporting Violations

Complaints regarding violations of this AUP should be directed to Darrendi is committed to working with its subscribers to ensure compliance.

8. Revision of the AUP

Darrendi reserves the right to update this AUP periodically. Subscribers are responsible for regularly reviewing the AUP. Continued use of Darrendi’s services after changes constitutes acceptance of the revised AUP.

By accessing Darrendi’s services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the terms outlined in this Acceptable Use Policy.

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